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Old 28th March 2017, 03:56 PM   #13
EAAF Staff
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Join Date: Nov 2004
Location: Upstate New York, USA
Posts: 899
Cool Of course prices have since risen...

When this project began in 1997 the focus of the site was European medieval swords with a special emphasis on the swords of the Viking Age. If you go to the root directory you will still see this. For the would-be collector of the genuine article, such collecting is a fairly lonely activity and Internet discussion activity was very much focused on modern replicas of widely varying quality.

Royston, you will find that our interpretations of the meaning of 'ethnographic arms and armour' are pretty similar - see the Collector's Guide which is the descendant of the original ethnographic page. My collecting interests have always been a bit migratory and the original version of that page was written during boring non-relevant (to me) moments of a professional conference. The intended message at the time was that there were a lot of very reasonably priced pre-industrial arms in the antique market showing great design and ingenuity and that the frustrated would-be collector of European medieval swords could find exciting artifacts from other cultures well within their actual reach.

When the current forums software was implemented, it was just the main ethnographic discussion forum and swap. The previous UBB forum did have a European medieval sword section and it was dead. Antique arms collectors do tend segregate and the sub-forums we now have arose from user requests.


I have researched and continue to research the https suggestions. Apparently, turning it on is cheap and easy and the forums software is fairly compatible, especially as we have forced use of the attachments feature. However, it also appears this would generate a lot of chaos and broken links for many users. More investigation is to be done, but for now it looks like this will be a consideration when there is an upgrade to a newer version and a migration to for the forums.
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