Thread: What do I have?
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Old 31st March 2021, 10:15 AM   #10
grendolino's Avatar
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Posts: 38

Sorry to start the thread in that manner that it merely Goes around the conduct and treat me as an object instead of the kerisses i post.
No I dont want to resell them, i bought them because they seemed to me better ones than the rest i Had seen in my country available so far and because when i see such homeless ethnographic objects from the world Rich in meaning i simply regret their fate and try to Save them from the indolents who form the legion of buyers.
So, being the humble reader of those forum i tend for the opinion of experts simply not posing as one who knows much.
This is how discussion start in my opinion: there is an object and they
Are the People who know something to share for the collective wisdom sake.
So far so good. Thanks to you i Know something about those blade
So: thank you.
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