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Old 4th February 2023, 01:57 AM   #15
Jim McDougall
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Kai, thank you so much for all this detailed information and the encouraging comment on its being authentic. I have had this for so long I had forgotten about it, years ago when I was trying to get an understanding of the forms on these regions. I ended up in other fields, and had forgotten how fascinating these areas are.

One of the most confusing matters seems to be the terminology, which is understandable as there are so many languages and dialects involved. I am presuming the Iban (Sea Dayaks)were situated in North/West Borneo and into Malaysia.

I think your suggestion for separate threads for some of these specifics makes sense, as the complexity of each is enough to warrant singular attention.

I have never followed the difference...mandau....parang ihlang??
Now tilang kamarau?

Thank you again Kai, your knowledge is remarkable and your comments very much appreciated.
Best regards,
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