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Old 4th July 2015, 08:13 PM   #161
Join Date: Dec 2004
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Originally Posted by Jim McDougall
Well, that's what Im talking about though. While the Kenyan seme' is a properly identified item , the first item, which is clearly a sabre from Mali but referred to as a Hausa 'takouba' (????) from Nigeria is a 'howler' ...yikes!
The item from 'Malaysia' of course would be difficult to explain under that heading (no pun intended) .
Thank you for elaborating on the infractions noted in the reference to Mr. Withers book(s) specifically.

As mentioned, Stone has a number of almost bizarre gaffs as well, but overall stands as a well venerated and respected volume, so I suppose a certain number of these becomes forgivable considering the relative content which holds true.
Thanks Jim, it was the date of the Seme that got me! So many other bits of silliness throughout it as well .

But at least his published lots of books & sold many such pieces.

Stone was at the forefront of research & didn't have the internet, 5 minutes research on any of these arms on this or many others sites would, while not be perfect set him on a straighter line....
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