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Old 29th November 2020, 06:12 PM   #24
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Originally Posted by DaveF
It's a bit of a leap from collars used to stop working dogs having their throats ripped out to Zyclon B.
It is the principle to use religion and culture to justify something immoral I wanted to address.

And yes, I might have put it a little harsh but guess a wake up call was needed here :

the sound of silence ( a nice song nevertheless) was the general tune here...especially if you look at the timeline of this topic !

I am sorry but you still do not get it that I wanted to address the issue that if you are not part of a certain culture , one should not speak.Which is clearly written and not by me ...

Talking dogs: I used to have a bouvier de flanders for 14 years and my wife a sarplaninac... these dogs never needed a collar as they were bred for that purpose: to protect. Just like my in law with a cane corso....
I trained my bouvier and the cane as protection / guard dog : no collar needed.
That is a silly defence as it would not save a dog against several wolves...

So my point is that culture is and remains indeed a silly excuse, hence the idiot Zyklon B example which you did not get it that I addressed the “excuse” that if you do not belong to the culture, in this case of the ones who used Zyklon B, you are not entitled to address it if I follow an explanation above by the letter.....sorry to repeat myself but please read previous comments carefully .

I am sorry and think it sad that you did not spend a single word on this wrong use of animals and the wrong justification, unless you agree ... which ( not spending a single word on animal misuse) I accept in the latter case.
But than again Kant tells use one can not dispute about taste in his Aesthetic better I let it rest

Nevertheless I wish you a nice day and stay healthy !


Last edited by gp; 29th November 2020 at 06:57 PM.
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