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Old 11th September 2015, 10:06 AM   #3
Shakethetrees's Avatar
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Posts: 363

I've run across this before.

What this is is a cast brass or bronze blade, with no post pour forging.

Some of the hard shell outer mold sloughed off during the pour and was included at the break point. Since this is not a metal to metal bond, it was destined to break at this point.

I've seen this frequently in decorative castings. If you look at the break there is usually some tarnished or oxidized parent metal adjacent to the inclusion. Next to this is a bright bit of the parent metal, which over time and with wear and tear, careless handling, etc. the crack that forms at the point of the inclusion grows and ages, until something catastrophic happens.

This can usually be repaired, depending on surface issues and how the break is positioned with respect to the overall form.
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