Thread: Is it a Tajong?
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Old 26th March 2009, 06:56 PM   #13
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Originally Posted by A. G. Maisey
I've spent a lot of time looking at the pics of this keris.

I will preface my remarks by putting it right up front that I am no expert on tajong style keris. Yes, I own a few, some old, some more recent, but I am certainly no expert.

However, if I look carefully at this keris, what I can see is this:-

the blade shows grain, and a surface that does not appear to be artificially aged; the ada-ada is the same style as a tajong, the other ricikan look as if they have been done from memory, without a clear guide; the waves are inconsistent. I feel that this blade was made by a smith, rather than by a pandai keris. In other words, to me it looks like the product of a fairly unskilled person,possibly working in a rural area, working to the limit of his ability.

the handle shows uneven patina and open grain, and probably some wear; I do not think that this handle is anywhere near recent---always depending on what we mean by "recent".

the scabbard is worn and heavily patinated; from what I can see in the photos, it has age.

the pendongkok is well crafted, and a nice thing.

My assessment of this keris is that it does have some age, but that it is a not a high quality production, and is non-typical.

As such, and bearing in mind the problems of buying from photos, I don't really think that the price paid is too extreme yes, certainly I would not have gambled on it, principally because it obviously lacks quality, and I do not buy for rareity, but for quality.

But I don't think I can go along with the general feeling of condemnation of this keris.

Hello Mr. Maisey,

thank you for the elaborate comment. Now I will feel better when the second high bidder don't take the second change offer. Of course I've seen that it isn't a high class Tajong, the carving of the handle is to crude for this. It have been my thought that it is a simple form of a Tajong and like you guess manufactured in a rural area. Since I don't have a Tajong until now it will be a placeholder until I can get a better one.
Tank's again ang regards,
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