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Old 30th December 2020, 03:47 PM   #4
Join Date: Sep 2017
Location: Tyneside. North-East England
Posts: 514
Default Colichemardes

I am sorry, I appear to be confusing the issue rather than illuminating it.
In brief:
all colichemardes observed to date - by myself and the numerous dealers and collectors I have consulted - have a rolled, constant-width groove, on the wide face, below the forte; rather than a hollow with a decreasing radius, as seen on the two upper faces and the majority of non-colichemarde smallswords.
There are also a few (very few) colichemardes with a groove that extends to the top of the forte, rather than the majority which end at the lower shoulder of the forte. Attached is an example and a picture of this sword compared to regular colichemardes: pics courtesy of my friend Mel.
If there are ascribed monikers for these positions on the forte then perhaps the cognoscenti would appraise me please.
The machine used to roll the groove in a colichemarde has also been used to produce inexpensive battlefield-issue smallswords: they are not common but equally not rare; the example posted by Corrado is just such a sword. I have attached another typical grooved battlefield smallsword which could almost have sharpened edges if desired.
What I am searching for are colichemardes with a varying radius hollow on the entire length of the wide face: if anyone has seen such a thing please let me share in your good fortune as I haven't found a one to date, and no-one I have spoken to has either.
Failing that, this means that all colichemardes (name meaning and purpose unknown) have been made using the secret machine that was built by Huguenots in Solingen around 1630.
Colichemardes pre-date Konigsmarcke and the exact purpose of the extra width forte has never been absolutely determined, although the obvious purpose is as a blocking defence against heavier blades.
There are also examples of a colichemarde shaped blade with alternative fullers in the forte and no hollows in the rest of the blade, but I have only seen one (attached: but I can't remember where it was found which is a pity as it is a fascinating sword).
Attached Images
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