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Old 13th September 2009, 10:53 PM   #3
Jim McDougall
Arms Historian
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I'm glad to see readers out there, and I'm glad Pallas placed this interesting query, so I hope I can add more as becomes available.

We have been moving north out of Arizona, and have now entered the southern part of Utah, the scenery is breathtaking, and we are now situated near Bryce Canyon, Utah. We have travelled through Utah before, and while we saw some historic places, not nearly enough. I lived in Salt Lake City in my youth, and Utah is an incredible state, obviously with the Mormon faith predominate. One of my brothers did become Mormon in later years.

I am hoping I will have a chance to discover a bit more on this interesting topic as I near Salt Lake City, and if so I will share what I can find.

Perhaps anyone else out there might have heard of any weapons that may have been attributed to these Mormon militia units, and might share any information.
Stay tuned

All the best,
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