Thread: Voodoo doll
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Old 18th November 2008, 06:39 PM   #22
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I think you mean 'BOCIO'

I have a book called 'Soul of Africa - magic of a continent' in which the meaning and use of 'bocio' is explained. I tried to translate what is said about 'bocio' (I hope I didn't make too many mistakes )

Bocio are found among the Fon in Southern Benin. They are part of the Vodun religion.

The word 'bocio' is formed from two words : 'bo' meaning power and 'cio' meaning corps or cadaver. Together it means power which is transferred to an figurative image (a statue) or any other vessel (e.g. a bottle).

A 'bocio' can be used for good and evil.

The Fon believe in Vodun, secret powers which control everything and everyone in the world. Their forces inhabit 'guardian statues' (bocio) who help people, give life force and can make changes
The 'bocio' are not symbols or portraits of gods (vodun). But they are closely related (connected) to them and form places where the 'force' is concentrated.

When in need, people turn to 'bocio' to ask for help or healing. They are also the ones to call upon in order to fullfil one's material demands. In this way they contribute to solving numerous problems and are objects of hope.
They can be compared to saints in the European rural communities.

I hope this helps

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