Thread: YOUNGER Keris
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Old 27th August 2008, 07:11 PM   #32
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Originally Posted by Rick
This brings me to a question concerning nem neman keris; are these new evolutions of form generally approved of in the Javanese keris world ?
Are there those who believe keris making should be a static art with strict prescribed shapes that are considered the zenith of keris form ?
The idea being to produce perfection within these parameters ?
Thanks Rick for posing a question which has been on my mind as well. Personally i am of 2 minds here. I do believe that there need to be growth and change on some level to keep the art fresh. However, some of these new ideas, like the double-blade lurus/luk keris shown her don't appeal to me at all. Sometimes it just seems like the boundaries are pushed just for the pushing's sake. Now i do really enjoy those leafy looking blades, a very nice and beautiful innovation there. But still i think that these evolutions must in some way fit into a cultural context and that is hard for me to judge from where i stand.
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