Thread: Keris Holders
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Old 22nd May 2008, 02:37 PM   #11
Join Date: May 2008
Posts: 6

Ahh yes, to broad a question...
I will provide a few specific questions for holders in general to start.

#1) I was told by a collector in California that Balinese Kris holders always have square bottoms-Does anyone know this to be -False?

#2) For anyone who has traveled to Bali, have you observed specific deities used only for holders ? (not those produced for tourists, but rather traditional holders)

#3) Does anyone on this site own a holder dating further back than 1920? (Could I get a peek at it?)

#4) Last but not least, the question still remains, aside from the, Berman Museum, the Met, & Farrow Fine Art Gallery, does anyone know of a US Museum or Gallery that has holders in its collection?

In response to "The Demon Frog", I have discovered in many cases the frog is a substitute for the tuber of the lotus flower. Then when a kris is placed in the stand, the shaft is to represent the lotus stalk. From there I have read that the meaning is purely symbolic with references to the male and female principles, magically united and thus forming the origin of all creation.
A Holder very similar to this is found in the Gerog Tillman Collection at the Tropenmuseum in Amsterdam.
I also found this interesting little number on ebay-

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