Thread: My first Tulwar
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Old 16th September 2007, 04:30 PM   #69
Lead Moderator European Armoury
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Originally Posted by Manolo
Hi Fernando, I apologize for the mistake. I had one of Flavio's threads open at the same time, I was tired and both of you start with F
No problem ... even usefull for discussions becoming less intense

Originally Posted by Manolo

What you say about the storing of swords in the time of Discovery could be valid. I wonder, are there no texts or treatises by Indian generals/strategists/etc ? There must be some sort of documentation left over from those times.
If there is somebody that could hold historical material of such level, the author of this ( and many ) books is potentially one or actualy the best of them. I can't put my hands ( hand ) on fire if he is developing some fantasy on the tulwar subject, but he holds the most precious specimens of weaponry, cannonery, armoury, documentations, cargo inventories, maps and portolanos , you name whatelse, of the discoveries period ... and not only. He is the owner of some items collections, like sword pommels and other, to the gauge of largest in the world. He was visited by the British Museum to inventory and photograph some of his collections ( was it the pommels or the gun locks ? ). He has plenty ranks and credentials both in Portugal and Europe. One of the persons that managed to visit his mannor house was Antonio Cejunior, a member of this Forum.
Only he is not an web guy ... otherwise i would advice you ( or anyone else ) to check with him about the tulwar subject. The shops i mentioned in Lisbon are actually his own. This way he can sell his excedents and specially buy more and more stuff for his collection. Everytimes i go there and have a chance, i ask him to "lecture" me about a determined specimen. He "connects the turbos" and keeps disserting on the subject for hours, untill the next client or fellow collector or friend arrives.
Originally Posted by Manolo
I always envy you folks on the home continent. Go in any shop and you're bound to find some treasure. Canadians generally go for the Wars memorabilia, understandably but saddly for me .
Best regards,
Not so simple as claping hands ... but if one has the money, curious things show up, every now and then.

Lots of health for you

Last edited by fernando; 16th September 2007 at 04:50 PM.
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