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Old 11th January 2007, 07:35 AM   #4
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PC-ness can be taken too far; this is an edged weapons forum and Nazi daggers do have edges, and it's possible to discuss these without having to discuss Nazism (or any other political system) itself at a venue such as this.

Some folks might quibble about Nazi daggers and swords being "weapons" at all since they are for the most part more decorative than functional. You can call them "sword-like objects", but these daggers are significant as regalia or symbolic accouterments, such as European coronation swords or the "guom" sabers carried by Vietnamese military mandarins.

The concerns about authenticity are common to just about any other aspect of edged weapons collecting. How to tell the wheat from the chaff is something of growing importance in many fields (Chinese, Indian, Indonesian, to name a few) as the reproductions are ever more prevalent and in many cases have gotten more and more sophisticated.
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