Thread: Jafle jambiya
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Old 30th March 2024, 09:20 AM   #3
Marc M.
Join Date: Aug 2019
Location: Belgium
Posts: 150

Originally Posted by Peter Hudson View Post
Stephen Gracie: “JAMBIYA DAGGERS FROM THE ANCIENT SOUKS OF YEMEN” Second addition page 134

To begin the journey into Yemeni Daggers this is perhaps a great place for beginners to start. One of the best publications is The book noted above. The great silvermakers of Yemen were the Yemeni Jewish people who have all now left and are in Israel...After they all left the quality of Yemeni Daggers dropped considerably thus the best items now only exist in museums or private collections. Generally the vast ammount of cheaper types have flooded the souks of the region and beyond although there are a number of variants worth looking at but no real bargains. However, this is a good place to begin.
Peter Hudson.
Hello Peter

Stephen Gracie's book is indeed an important reference work for those interested in these objects. But the objects in books are usually of top quality and, as you might imagine, come from museums and top collections. A quality that is unattainable for many collectors. The difficulty is often buying the 'correct' ethnographic pieces of lower quality without feedback/books. That is why this forum is so important, objects of all qualities are shown and discussed. I have been collecting objects from Africa for 30 years, mainly weapons/metal. The books about these objects are often the only source for a collector. Through my work (blacksmithing) I have been fortunate to get to know a number of collectors for whom I have made stands. In this way you broaden your horizons through the objects and the conversations you have and this forum is a valuable addition.
Kind regards
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