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Old 17th March 2024, 04:18 AM   #7
Join Date: Dec 2022
Posts: 33

I have uncovered new information indicating that flintlock weapons were widely produced in the region, contrary to information provided by Petoyan, and came in a multitude of variations. The below segment is translated directly from HM Poghosyans "History of Sasun", p. 118.

If any experts of Ottoman firearms have any information on these variations which they could share, I would greatly appreciate it. Any information will go a long way in this research.

"From very old times the people of Sasun produced Chakhmakhli firearms for defense, which the inhabitants of the mountains called "Tvng". The firearms owned by the people came in different shapes and sizes. The Sasunians called their different types of firearms "Majar", "Shashkhan", "Tersmi", "Stambuli", "Navhulu", etc."

Here is what I have gathered from this information. Again, any extra information and insight would be greatly appreciated.

1: Majar: This word is an archaic way of saying "Hungarian", aka Magyar. Must refer to a Hungarian type of flintlock?
2: Shashkhan: Perhaps referring to Shishane guns?
3: Tersmi: Most likely, I think it refers to guns from Dersim, or produced in Dersim style (Which I am personally not aware of).
4: Stambuli: Pretty obviously referring to guns from Istanbul
5: Navhulu: Not the faintest of an idea what this could be referring to.

This is nothing all that out of the ordinary. In nearby Georgia, many local weapons bore names of faraway geographic areas as well (Pranguli, or French, Swords. Khirimi, or Crimean, guns were widely known in Georgia). It is now just a case of isolating and finding examples of this rich variety of weaponry. Once again, any help would be greatly appreciated.
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