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Old 16th March 2024, 09:48 PM   #4
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As for the figure figure in the hilt, often figures that are crouching like this are related to ancestors. The bird face behind the head appears to be a Garuda Mungkur, a protective figure. Tiuk Pengentas will also often have a Garuda head along the top edge of the blade. I have attached an example of a Tiuk Pengentas for comparison. Tiuk Pengentas are used in funerary ceremonies in Bali so a hilt relating to the ancestors could make logical sense i suppose. They are sometimes called Balinese Wedhung, but again it the distinction should be made that Tiuk Pengentas are not Wedhung and serve a completely different function as the Wedhung, which only exists in Jawa.
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