Thread: Unknown Club
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Old 12th March 2024, 12:58 AM   #8
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Your post neatly sums up the two problems I have with my club. Problem one for me is that, although my club has elements in common with clubs from both South America and various Pacific Islands, it isn’t an overall match for any particular type, For example, the “wings” on your club taper toward the tip but on mine the taper is toward the hilt. My club is far more bulky than is yours and the wood used appears to be very different in terms of color. Your mention of my club’s rough finish speaks to my second problem. War clubs are prestige items and, if not ornately decorated, are at least well finished (as is your club). While it obviously has been designed to be a very effective blunt force weapon, the finish on my club is commensurate with a workman’s tool not a war club. That may be why we can’t find a good match for my club. Examples of war weapons are commonplace but examples of work tools are usually found tucked away in an anthropologist’s monograph or some other obscure document.

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