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Old 6th February 2024, 05:59 PM   #5
cornelistromp's Avatar
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Hi Andreas,
as a type this would be an Okeshott type Xa from around 1050-1100. after 900 years the oxidation of the sword looks very even over the entire surface. It is possible after 900 years but is almost unheard of, or at least so rare that it could be an omen.
After 2000, tens of thousands of most medieval sword forgeries were made, so it helps if the sword can be proven before 2000. So not through a story alone.
In any case I would try to find the previous owner or finder.
A medieval sword doesn't pop out of nowhere.
The black patina in water finds is goethite, which is glass hard and difficult to remove, even mechanically.
You could have the patina tested for hardness and chemically with, for example, acetone or other chemical solvent. If it gives off black, it is a recently applied patina.
The style is good but the tang is a bit slim under the pommel for this type with a heavy blade.
water finds from this period are included in the appendix.
I hope it will help you, good luck
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