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Old 12th January 2024, 09:06 AM   #7
Join Date: Dec 2023
Posts: 14

Thank you veyr much for the answers and thank you, Ian, for bumping the post up again.

May I kindly ask, which characteristics lead to your decisions? I totally agree with your general localization of the two knifes.

Your knife, Yuri, is quite obviously a Haussa dagger as I got one myself (see picture attached). I agree that the shape of the blade is very similar, but neither is the sheath nor the handle. I've never seen a Haussa dagger with such a handle. I've seen knifes of the Salampasu in the Democratic Republic of Congo which got similar handles even though most (but not all) Salampasu knifes got very different blade shapes.

Quite the same keeps me wondering about the other knife without a sheath, TVV. The knob at the hilt and the brass section do point at Senegal, but all the references I can find show significant differences. On Catawiki (though not a reliable source at all) there is a knife with some comparable features placed in Mauretania. I found other sources placing such knifes with the Assanya, the "neighbours" of the Tuareg.

I really hope we can sort this out. I know that these knifes are not prime examples with the gold and diamonds, but I really find them very interesting to localize.


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