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Old 26th December 2023, 08:59 PM   #19
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Originally Posted by fernando View Post
The unbelivable Mensur discipline, as seen by Mark Twain
The text Mark Twain wrote is really interesting and can give people who never seen this old tradition an insight to it. Of course not every Mensur is that spectacular or bloody like in Twain's description.
But I want to add, that a typical Mensur is not a kind of "duel", because the contrahents, called "Paukanten", do (or should) not feel any hostility to each other or the other Verbindung, not before, not during and not after the fight. Because of that, the members of a Verbindung don't say that they fight a Mensur against each other, but together.
Of course there exist academic fencing with a duel-character like the Pro-Patria-Mensur, but they are not standard and not very common.
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