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Old 11th November 2023, 10:00 PM   #14
Join Date: Apr 2005
Posts: 3,237

Congrats, Detlef, a very nice sword!

The hilt does look legit: While age is often easier to fake with metal pieces, this looks good to me; I'd estimate it and the blade as being antique, indeed. Scabbard is a later replacement (post WWII) as shown by carving quality and materials.

These more slender swords were either worn as EDC single blade/tool or as a secondary sword behind the main/heavier sword (akin to samurai usage). For all Nias blades, their stylistic details including names and local attribution need much more research as already indicated.

BTW, most extant Nias swords with balls originate from the post-headhunting days. Dutch and German missionaries were very active on Nias in eradicating old traditions during the 19th century (first in the North, later in the South); most Nias blades on the market are from the second half of the 20th century; older examples usually originate from the late colonial period (roughly turn of the century up to WWII). As with all Indonesian blades, most older pieces do originate from Dutch or British colonial sources and hardly anything can be inferred from the current owners place of living.

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