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Old 7th November 2023, 05:16 AM   #3
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Originally Posted by DavidFriedman View Post
Greetings fellow collectors. I recently acquired this massive quaddara with 24 inch x 2 inch wide blade.

I’ve seen Quaddara with dull rear blade spines (with a small false back edge only). This one is extremely sharp on both sides of the blade from base to tip. Also it is very heavy, several pounds in weight. So the typical use of the parry hand to reinforce the withdrawal of a heavy blade after a cut/chop/slice would not be possible, due to the sharpness of the back of the blade.

Does anyone have any insight as to the type of person that should have wielded this type of quaddara?

I’m assuming and have been told this is Persian from the late 19th century. If anyone knows otherwise, I would love to hear your thoughts.
Hello David Friedman

Great quadarra. Congratulations!
I think you were told correctly. This is late 19th century.
Such items were made mainly for Europeans who visited Iran at that time, as well as as an attribute of religious holidays (Ashura) and mysteries
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