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Old 5th November 2023, 08:55 AM   #6
A. G. Maisey
Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 6,762

These diagrams show what we would refer to as "kagok". The complete name of a kagok wrongko is kagok capu, "capu" is dialect --- not sure what dialect, maybe North Coast --- and it refers to a round head.The pic is from KJ --Haryoguritno.

These two wrongkos are termed "capu" in the diagrams, but I think most people in Central Jawa would most likely refer to both as "kagok". Maybe a real ahli keris would not, but dealers and people with no personality problems probably would.

Essentially a kagok, or kagok capu has that heaviness through the body & they look a bit shorter than other styles. We can have both ladrang & gayam kagok wrongkos, and both gayam & ladrang styles of wrongko have multiple sub-forms.

Its not all that hard to fit a blade to a wrongko provided the overall angles are right and the wrongko does not already have a big mouth. I can fit a blade to a suitable wrongko in 2 or 3 hours, its just patience and the right tools. An experienced tukang wrongko or m'ranggi can do it in a fraction of the time it takes me.
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