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Old 13th October 2023, 05:03 PM   #4
Join Date: Sep 2017
Location: Tyneside. North-East England
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Default 1630s wars etc

Thank-you Fernando... yes, I am familiar with that material.
Those luxurious British basket hilts shown are what have ended-up in museums globally, but, although contemporary, they were private purchases.
4,356 swords meant munition's grade and this is what I am interested in.
At that time we were no longer engaged in the five years of Anglo-Spanish war ('25-'30); plus, we had also fought the French for a couple of years '27-'29, so we would have certainly needed to replenish munitions.
However, ongoing, we were helping in the Dutch-Portuguese war and sixty years of that certainly required constant supplies of serviceable weapons.
You can see why there was money to be made supplying the Tower. Stone invested heavily but was well rewarded. He supplied complete outfits too: sword, scabbard, belt and etc.
So, in 1631, what would an English/British munitions grade basket used in the Dutch-Portuguese war have looked like?
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