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Old 22nd May 2023, 05:31 PM   #6
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Originally Posted by JustYS View Post
Just my 2 cents regarding oil and plastic sleeve

My collection is very small (I can count with my fingers), but I also use oil and plastic sleeve.

I believe oiling keris is not only part of maintenance but also part of tradition.

Moreover I enjoy oiling keris (I do it every month or two), I feel more connection to the keris.
I also like to oil my collection regularly, though i should get on a more frequent schedule. But i understand what you mean by it connecting you more to your collection. There is something loving and nurturing in the act. When i do get around to oiling the complete collection (i have a tendency to apply oil when i believe it looks needed whenever i might pick up and individual keris for examination) it also gives me an opportunity to review all of what i have. I generally end up doing this in two separate sessions since my collection is up around 100 these days.
I completely understand Alan's recommendation for plastic sleeves, but have not personally picked up the practice myself. I have been collecting for a few decades at this point and have never had any serious problems with rust accumulation on my blades, first in New York City, then 20 years in Cincinnati and for the last 5 years on the South Shore of Nova Scotia living no more than a mile or so from the Atlantic Ocean.
While i am sure that Alan is correct about plastic sleeves helping to protect the blades i am on a personal mission to reduce plastic in my environment on every level. I suppose the plastic used to wrap a blade gets used for a long time before it ends up in the environment, but that will be the eventual destination for it sooner or later. And while i do not doubt that ferric material left in contact with wood will rust more quickly i just don't like placing unnatural substances around a keris blade. Perhaps i have not had any serious rust problems simply because i do try to oil my entire collection regularly, but like you JustYS, i consider it one of the pleasures of collecting rather than an arduous task.
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