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Old 8th May 2023, 11:47 AM   #1
Kmaddock's Avatar
Join Date: May 2014
Location: Ireland
Posts: 539
Default Accident with swordand sons friend and ensuing wife fall out

I am just wondering if anyone ever had he following experience.
My wife does not like my collection it is tolerated but not liked, nothing bar a single framed 15th Century stiletto knife is on display in our house.
My flintlocks and katanas are locked away due to value, not H and S requirement
My children 12 and 14 are very respectful of my collection and do not touch so items are not locked away.
However my son had a friend over who is interested in my collection and boys being boys they went into my study and were looking at some of my items, somehow a very very pointy court sword was stabbed into the calf of the visitor.
Blood tears etc ensued. I cleaned and dressed wound and
the lad was fine. I rang his dad and we had a conversation when I dropped his son home, we get on well enough and all seems to be fine with no lasting fall out (happened yesterday).
Wife Livid, so embarrassed by the events wants all items gone and put in the bin. Would be a different story if it was a face or an eye (but lets not go there)
Obviously I wont bin my collection but wondering if anyone else has any taughts to share on maritial strife and weapons collecting .

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