Thread: Buddha
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Old 19th April 2023, 10:11 PM   #4
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Hello Rick, I a asked a very good friend about your Buddha, here what he write me:

"The style of your Chinese Buddha is very Ming dynasty style, likely his age I would suggest later Ming to Early Qing ,what exact date in the Ming or Qing, truly it is hard to say without oxford TL testing on ceramics to give an age within 50 years either side of the actual date the testing shows it to have last been fired, also, the test which often costs more than the value of the item being tested has recently been proven to not always give good date results, that said, Ming or Qing date, your piece has good age which is plain to see.
The ware would be known as '' XING '', so ''Xing Yao'' - the Xing Kiln.
Which translates to, heavenly bodies (esp. the sun, moon or five visible planets).

Xing ware is a non '' Guan '' (official) cream coloured ware that was used from as early as the Tang dynasty through the Sung,Yuan Mongol period, to the Ming, and on into the Qing, but it was not an official (Guan) ware, it is a lesser ware to the famous imperial nd official (Guan) Ting - ding Yao wares which were official, or Ting Yao - Ding Yao, Ting or Ding kiln wares.

Cream wares such as this were used from the Tang period onward, but the official wares of the Sung period Ting - Ding kiln wares were of higher regard and used only by Imperial and official status people of rank.
Where as the Xing wares were not official so were used by lesser peoples, meaning in short that they were not imperial and anyone could buy and own them.
The best thing to do if you want a good idea of age is to have it looked at by someone with a good degree of expertise in the field, they likely having it in hand could give you a more definite date, but essentially the piece appears to be a Xing kiln production.
Hope this helps and you are welcome, I would have it looked at, could be but not certainly so, that you are shocked at its age and value today."

Hope it's a little bit from help!

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