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Old 15th April 2023, 04:45 PM   #2
Keris forum moderator
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Well, it certainly has some age, though as you are probably aware, exact dating of keris is not really possible without confirmed provenance. Your blade could be as old as 19th century though. Dhapur is brojol is i am not mistaken.
Though the wood on the wrongko is pretty beat up (looks like it may have been glued back together is a couple of spots), it has some interesting fittings. The repousse work on the pendok looks nicely done. I suspect it is mamas (a kind of white metal) rather than silver. The mendak might be silver, but if i am not mistaken it looks more like a style i would associate with Madura keris rather than Surakarta. I can't be sure of the material of the selut, but it is nicely engraved and would look much nicer is you cleaned it up and fitted it more properly into the hilt if possible. These three fittings seem to be of somewhat different styles and materials, so my though is that they were assembled separately rather than being original to the ensemble. I am curious to know if the blade seems to fit properly into the sheath or not. Can you show us a photo from above with the blade on the sheath?
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