Thread: Java Keris
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Old 30th March 2023, 04:04 AM   #2
Gavin Nugent
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Originally Posted by David View Post
Hi Gavin.
I wouldn't say this is a very old keris, but has some age. Sorry i can't be more specific. The ricikan have not been very expertly formed. The greneng is most confusing to me. Besides being badly cut it looks as if the upper ron dha crosses between the gonjo and the blade. I have never seen that before and wonder if the greneng might have been added later as an after thought.
I am curious why it being a 3 luk is one of the reasons you have kept it.
Hi David,

Thank you. I look forward to learning through the eyes of more learned students of Keris.

Funny, thing, and I know it should be properly treated, but in the first image of the blade's base... mid way, left side, there also appears to be Ron Dha like symbolism in the pamore... probably nothing and an etch would clear this up, but I figured it worth a mention.
The Greneng appears consistent with age, wear and pamor as the blade, and the subtleties elude me.

Why 3 luk was a mitigating factor in keeping it... overall, the entire keris and it's form appealed to me as did the thick nature of the blade and the (to my eye) the strong beautiful curves of the luk. be it folklore or modern lore, I read somewhere that 3 luk is symbolizing a success to achieve some wishes.. I thought that was pretty interesting... in other keris cultures, 3 luk is the symbol of a warrior... I do not know if that equates within Java Lore.
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