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Old 18th March 2023, 11:33 PM   #1
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Join Date: May 2020
Posts: 702
Default Facón / Gaucho Knife from Uruguay

I just managed to buy a facón from Uruguay from a seller in South America. See enclosed pics . Details:

Cuchillo de acero inoxidable hoja Trompeta con mango y vaina de metal blanco
Cuchillo con botón Uruguayo vaina trabajada con flores y arabescos , en las fotografías se aprecian los detalles del trabajo
En buenas condiciones
Medidas largo total con vaina 23,5 cm aprox
largo total sin vaina 22 cm aprox
largo de la hoja 12,3 cm aprox
ancho de la hoja en su parte mas ancha 1,7 cm aprox
ancho del lomo 2,5 mm aprox

Now I am awaiting the arrival and having several ones from Brazil and Arginentina, this is my first from Uruguay.

My question to you forum guys:

are the ones from Uruguay rare or hard to find ?

as I never stumbled on an Uruguayan before in the last 5 years or even more
Attached Images

Last edited by gp; 19th March 2023 at 10:13 AM.
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