Thread: Kukri info
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Old 8th March 2023, 06:20 PM   #3
Changdao's Avatar
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Originally Posted by milandro View Post
I am not a great expert but since I own a somewhat similar kukri I'd say that yes this is a modern kukri perhaps more modern than what you think, I'd say this may have been bought anywhere between the '70 and the '80.

I hope you won't mind if I'd say that this would be frowned upon by most serious kukri collectors ( remember I have one much like this with yak bone handle ) and would be fairly quickly defined a traveller's kukri.

Yet mine is not a bad blade at all ( I don't know about yours) and is very sharp indeed so, I have it in my collection with other ethnic blades that aren't antiques but functional blades.

the rust van be fairly easily removed
Thank you for your response. I actually did think of it as a 70's/80's item. This was the first object in my collection and I am for the moment fond of it. Like yours, the blade is fairly decent and sharpened, and the construction is very robust.

I have been wanting for a long time a proper kukri, but I have postponed it a few times for a variety of reasons.
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