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Old 1st March 2023, 08:12 PM   #10
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Originally Posted by Sajen View Post
I am afraid Joe, I am not well informed by jians but have handled a few, to my eyes all look like reproductions from the mid. 20th century. Sorry, but this is what I think.

Agreed except they can be much later than mid 20th. Unfortunately the market for these appeared generally from the late 90s and continued until the mid 2010s in force and many swords like these appeared at that time

Just to address one comment about identifying replicas and why perhaps some do not comment. Pointing out publicly how a replica is recognized is a good way to allow those making replicas to correct the flaws in their work. I can safely say the lack of comments has nothing to do with any attempt to keep prices low for these swords.

As always with antique collecting, books are often worth more than cheaper pieces of suspect provenance.
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