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Old 29th January 2023, 10:04 PM   #8
Join Date: Sep 2021
Posts: 93

I received the three swords the other day. They all appear to use recycled sabre blades, one of which still has some very faded engraving which looks similar to the engraving found on some Spanish sabre blades. Two of these swords look to have utilized the tip section of the recycled blade while the other swords looks to have used the middle section of the recycled blade.

The blades (in my opinion) appear to me to be from three different countries. The three fullered blade looks like the type of blade you see coming from the various companies in Solingen. The blade with the montmorency fuller reminds me of the type of blade found on French m1822 sabres. As previously stated, the last sword appears to use a section of a Spanish sabre blade. I made an attempt to photograph the engraving, but the combination of a lack of a good photography setup and the condition of the engraving made for a poor outcome.

If there were embellishments of any kind on the hilts of these swords, there aren't any present on two of the three swords. One of the swords has two five pointed stars along with four of the ever popular the world over "dot in circle" decorations.

None of them are in particularly good condition. They all exhibit various degrees of corrosion in the blades, warps in the blades, damaged tips along with losses to the horn hilt scales.

While I am not certain if there are regional differences with the styles of hilts, two of these swords are possibly from the same region. Both of them display the same three pronged formation at the end of the hilt.
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