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Old 5th January 2023, 11:59 AM   #9
Peter Hudson
Join Date: Jul 2020
Posts: 314

Originally Posted by Teisani View Post
I wouldn't lump the kopesh with scythe-like weapons (like the falx) since one has the edge on the outer, the other on the inner. Not to mention very different cultures/geography/period.
Yes I agree however, The Kopesh does have another name...The Sickle Sword ...thus it gets in to the general picture. To get the full view of weapons down the ages it is fair to view early development in a variety of regions to consider the Scythe architecture development if any...I think my #3 defines where I may look regarding weapon developments on Scythe shaped blades and that does include Anciant Roman / Egyptian or other countries variants used or met on the battlefield.

One peculiar Scythe that I viewed on my Scythe course was a very sharp almost 4 foot bladed Flambouyant edged item that regrettably I didnt get a chance to photograph ...

It begins to be clear to me that to get a more useful weapon needed some thought to the hilt, handle or Haft fitted to the blade and what if any other attachments would enhance the item like a spear tip or hook to make it viable against cavalry? ... I think that is apparent in my first picture of this thread and a further group of Polish cmbatants that is about to show...see next post please. .

Peter Hudson.

Last edited by Peter Hudson; 5th January 2023 at 12:20 PM.
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