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Old 3rd January 2023, 06:20 AM   #5
A. G. Maisey
Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 6,762

Yep, that sure looks sogokanish, this sort of thing could perhaps be the forerunner, before it became something else, maybe through Chinese influence.

Is there a date on this thing?

I am not a master of Javanese, I scrape by on understandings but there is no way I can hold a meaningful conversation in Javanese, however, listening to this Javanese passage there are ideas that do come through, putting these ideas into an English form, I wonder if the message might be something like this:-

Thick, knitted eyebrows actually show a high level of anger or a heavy problem, therefore, he who is patient first finds the theme or basic idea and can understand and forgive, yes indeed, one who understands with his heart may be pure and tranquil.

does this fit the context of the rest of the text?

Incidentally, I do not use google translate or any other translator, I gave this passage to a native speaker, but according to her there were a lot of literary forms and alternate meanings and peculiar ways of saying things in it and it was not all that easy to really understand it, so I got her to read it to me a few times --- maybe more than a few. My understanding could be well & truly wrong, but I think the basic idea might be close to the mark.
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