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Old 16th October 2022, 05:11 AM   #5
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Default Single Bevel AKA Chisel Grind


As a woodworker for many years, I find it difficult to accept your contention that, "it is much harder to sharpen maintain and use the single beveled blades than a normal double bevel". Chisels and planes are routinely used and maintained in woodworking. In fact, the single bevel (AKA chisel grind) is used in woodworking far more often than the double bevel. The key to maintaining a sharp chisel, plane or draw knife is to make absolutely certain that the edge of the flat side is absolutely flat. Once that is done, it is simply a matter of making sure that the beveled side meets the flat side at the appropriate angle. There is an abundance of online information about how to get this done for Western as well as Eastern chisels and planes. I will also add that a chisel grind on a knife or short sword allows it to be used as a draw knife which makes it more versatile than a double bevel knife.

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