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Old 25th April 2022, 06:11 PM   #17
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Originally Posted by Jean View Post
However the blade in question is not a keris but a badik from Sulawesi previously belonging to a local ruler's family in Kalimantan.
Sorry Jean, but as i am sure you know by now, we do not discuss blades that are not keris on this forum.
I also have to say that while you have strung together what might be an interesting set of coincidental circumstances surrounding this badik, i am not sure it qualifies it as an important or famous blade and it certainly is not a keris.
I frankly don't understand where folks would like a discussion like this to go. Even if we had some interesting and famous keris blades to show i am unaware of any from legend or lore that have been tested or proven for their esoteric or magickal qualities. I have never seen a video that wasn't faked (often in comical ways) that shows a keris flying, moving on its own or causing any result of a magickal act by it's wielder. So all we could possibly gather is a bunch of unsubstantiated stories based purely upon faith. Please understand this is not to say that i am a disbeliever that such magickal qualities exist in certain keris. But like everything else in this vein these claims are never demonstrable. The logic that because this man's house did not burn when this badik was in residence, but it did burn once he sold it, so it must have not burned because of the presence of the badik simply cannot hold up to any reasonable scrutiny. There could be any number of reasons that things worked out like they did.
I am afraid that without any further statements showing that this discussion has a valid or useful direction or purpose, that both Rick and myself have decided this is a thread that is best closed.
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