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Old 24th April 2022, 07:44 PM   #15
Keris forum moderator
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Originally Posted by Ganapati View Post

YouTube video depicting famous kerises
Ganapati, I cannot image that any of the keris shown in this video you posted are particularly "famous" or powerful. I found watching it a waste of time.
Hard to say if the image of keris Taming Sari that you posted is indeed the actual keris of legend. A keris that has been claimed to be the famous Taming Sari has been part of the Perak royal regalia since at least 1907 when it was photographed with some of the other royal regalia. This does look like it could be the same keris that you posted, but whether is is the actual Keris Taming Sari is anyone's guess. According to lore it was given to the Sultan of Malacca, and eventually made its way to the royal regalia of Perak. There does seem to be some provenance in tracing the history of this keris, but it is hard to say if any of it is to be believed. And there is also a legend that Hang Tuah threw the keris into saying that he would return when the kris re-appeared. If it is the actual Taming Sari keris this would be one of the very few examples of a famous esoteric blade being photographed.
As has already been suggested, this is a strange road to travel. As i stated before, truly esoteric and important keris blades are rarely show, let alone photographed. So finding examples to fuel this discussion will be near impossible. And just because someone has said a keris is famous or powerful does not necessarily so. So i am not sure what there is to be gained by this conversation or what you hope to accomplish with this thread.
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