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Old 18th February 2022, 09:07 PM   #24
A. G. Maisey
Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 6,765

Jean, the name I would use for those pamors shown in your post #9 would depend on who I was communicating with and what my feelings were at the time.

The ways in which we determine how to name something like this depends upon many factors.

That little phrase "name game" gets bandied about fairly frequently, but not many people understand the rules of the game. I think most Javanese people do understand. Instinctively.

Rule #1:- chose a name that you feel --- note FEEL, not believe or link to reason, FEEL --- will be understood by, and will not create a negative reaction from the person you are dealing with.

When we understand the keris and the society it comes from, we see pretty clearly that we need to create some degree of harmony in order to get anything from any discussion.

Empu Suparman's approach to naming a pamor was to try to understand what it was that the maker tried to create. But he did not necessarily try to get anybody else to agree with him. If he thought that the maker might have been trying to create, say, ujung gunung, and the other party thought perhaps it was adeg gone bad, there would be no dispute. No dispute, but simply a statement of opinion.

HOWEVER, and it is a big "however" the hierarchical position of the other party automatically dictated the name to be used during that interaction.

Where a person did not wish to use his hierarchical position he simply gave no commitment to any one name.

After all, the more names, the better.

Basic Javanese societal guideline.
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