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Old 21st December 2021, 02:57 PM   #4
Join Date: Dec 2021
Location: Northern Virginia
Posts: 13

They obviously vary, as do all such objects of the period, even if made by the same hand on the same day. One of the things I find interesting is how comparatively little this set of arms varies pver a large batch of them, all of other things considered. Even the flourishes on the spike and the decorative piercings are nearly identical.

This is especially intriguing of a style that I, at least, have never seen any other place but the Landeszeughaus. I’d love to know the backstory on that, which I’m sure is lost in the mists of time. The forges of Schreckeisen were (together with his competitor Taller) a major center of pole-arm manufacture. One of Schreckeisen’s works is in the Philadelphia Museum, and they come up at auction not infrequently. This design, though, is only seen at Graz . . . but there in large numbers. It's even give a peculiar name not seen in other inventories or sources (that I know of). Was it the bespoke specification of a procurement officer there? A “trial run” of a style that never caught on? The pet project of one underling at Schreckeisen’s forge? I’m sure there is a cool story there we’ll sadly never know.

As for specs, I’m assuming that any data on one would be valid for all of them, give or take 10%-ish. Since I know the total “head” length of the one featured in Krenn’s “Schwert und Spiess” photo-spread (a little over 29.6 inches), I can pretty much estimate the length of the primary and false edges. I can probably guess the pole diameter pretty well too, based on that image and on other similar weapons. Krenn’s photo says 8.4 feet total on the pole (assuming they weren’t cut down for storage at some point). Ditto for spike thickness, extrapolated from other contemporary halberds. Krenn says width is 2.25 inches, but . . . measured where? That stat from his book isn’t too useful, sadly.

What I really need to know is the thickness of the central ridge, and MOST critically, is there any distal taper, and if so how much? The presence of taper, or the absence of it, would change the entire handling characteristics of the arm, and its performance in the cut and thrust as well. If I could find out those two bits of info, I’d be well on my way.

Again, thank you all in advance for any information or pointers!
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