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Old 4th September 2021, 07:34 PM   #143
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Join Date: May 2020
Posts: 702

first time I read the title "Go on... show us your Barung!!! "....

my first thoughts where, where did a decent christian guy like me end up...?
between a bunch of perverts....
or ruffians....?

luckily I recognized a few names of decent lads and the pics shown were OK !

Question I have is :

what attracks you to a barong ?
why do you like it and what about it you like ?

FYI: I am from the Netherlands or Holland if you like and by tradition or better due to historical ties we do have a certain affinity with the kris.
Both peoples : Indonesian decent and also Dutch, us Cloggies thus like the kris
Not only as a cold weapon as such and the historical part, but also due to its mystical, spiritual nature.
Noticing that most of you do not have that personal and or historical tie with the barong country/ countries, I am curious what attracts you to it?
No disrespect nor offence intended ...


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