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Old 23rd May 2021, 05:58 PM   #9
Join Date: Dec 2013
Location: Los Angeles, CA
Posts: 65
Default Tboli sudeng

Hello David,
Thank you again for your thoughts. Over the years I’ve been diligently working on research related to various aspects of Tboli culture, specifically material culture - weaving, garments, jewelry & adornment, musical instruments and of course weapons. I’ve only recently begun digging a bit deeper into the ‘sudeng’.

Certainly the original owners of these sudeng have passed away, but their family still have memories and tales. I’m trying to gather as much information as I can from these elders. As I come across new, interesting or definitive information I look forward to sharing it here.

As to this specific piece, I’m in communication with the family and will see what I can discover further (which may not be much). As to the sudeng in general, what I’ve found thus far is very much as one would expect. They were acquired in trade and as gifts for deeds and friendship. In the more distant past, wartime acquisition was likely as well. In terms of being modified or not, I’m finding that it was either a practical decision (a repair was required, a scabbard lost, etc) or a personal one (wanting to ‘redecorate’ or prizing it just as it was). It is interesting to note that whether modified or not, the Tboli refer to both as sudeng. In short, a Maguindanao piece acquired by the Tboli did not necessarily require any adjustments and many (relatively) remain today in their original state. Without preserving the provenance, once these old original pieces leave the mountains, their oftentimes 100+ year connection to their Tboli home will be lost forever.

Thanks again.
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