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Old 6th April 2021, 11:19 AM   #6
Jim McDougall
Arms Historian
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Originally Posted by Rick
Remember that the Indian Ocean was a favorite hunting ground of many pirates including the memorable Captain Kidd (see attached) and the pirate Thomas Tew among others.
One thing that they seem to have had in common is that they were fond of frequenting the coast of America in their travels and Madagascar when cruising the Indian ocean.
It would be interesting to know if any Muslim coinage was found on the site of the wreck of Whidah Galley.

Very well noted Rick! in fact the very downfall of Captain Kidd came about as a result of his transgressing against the relations between England and India by preying on the lucrative Mughal ships and their treasure. In his case, the document ( a French letter concerning the voyage of the vessel) which would have saved him from execution was remarkably discovered in 1911!

I do not recall Muslim coins found on the Whydah, and not sure if Black Sam Bellamy was in those waters frequented by the India vessels, however trade involves networking, so anything is possible. Most of coinage as far as I have known was from South America etc. but as with many wrecks, more is always being found.
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