Thread: What do I have?
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Old 1st April 2021, 09:54 PM   #18
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Originally Posted by grendolino
As I see the first one is controversial most I propose to continue solely on it.
It is 38 cm long with 5cm puting. Ganja is 9 cm wide and 1.3 thick in thickest point. Blade is sharp on both edges. Pamor is hardly visible but present and lis/edges, are plain as, sorry for comparison, on chinese or Viking swords so gusin is clear. From the point where grooves (srawingan?) Ends the section is symmetrical and romboid.
Overall shape almost exactly match the Balinese one which I have, but is thicker.
Steel seems to be the good one and almost no rusty comparing to the rest- i did not touch them so far.
Overall shape, proportions and manufacture is for me attractive and to be honest it was this one which attract me to but the bunch.
I try to attach some macro photos when I catch the time.
Well, i see that both #1 and #6 seem to have some mixed reactions. Frankly i don't believe either of these are Peninsula blades. My gut feeling on #1 would be Alan's second choice, Lombok. It is a bit on the short side for blades from this area, but Lombok often presents examples that don't quite fit into normal pigeonholes.
On #6 i would look to Sumatra as i stated previously. It is Bugis, but the Bugis people were everywhere throughout the archipelago. As Alan suggested, better images of the hilt might help pin this down.
The metal piece in #8 is not a sarong, it is a pendok. It may still have the gandar (sheath stem) inside it though. I agree those who placed this in Sumatra. The motifs seem to confirm that.
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