Thread: What do I have?
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Old 31st March 2021, 04:41 PM   #12
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Originally Posted by grendolino
Sorry to start the thread in that manner that it merely Goes around the conduct and treat me as an object instead of the kerisses i post.
No I dont want to resell them, i bought them because they seemed to me better ones than the rest i Had seen in my country available so far and because when i see such homeless ethnographic objects from the world Rich in meaning i simply regret their fate and try to Save them from the indolents who form the legion of buyers.
So, being the humble reader of those forum i tend for the opinion of experts simply not posing as one who knows much.
This is how discussion start in my opinion: there is an object and they
Are the People who know something to share for the collective wisdom sake.
So far so good. Thanks to you i Know something about those blade
So: thank you.
My apologies if you felt you were being treated like an object. My posts were simply to explain to Alan why i thought no one immediately posted responses. You certainly didn't do anything incorrectly with your post. My suggestion that posting singular items rather than dropping an entire lot in a single post for assessment was just that, a suggestion. And i believe i was clear when i mentioned people who post looking for info to resell that i was not assuming that was your intention. So please don't take offense.
Thanks for saving these from the indolent legions. Frankly, if this is your entry point into the world of keris you probably did much better with this lot than most beginner keris collectors.
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