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Old 23rd February 2021, 11:54 AM   #1
Mickey the Finn
Join Date: Dec 2017
Posts: 90

Alan, my "issue" is probably no more than a semantic one, a fussing over choice of words. And my choice of Bahasa Indonesia words will probably be found to be less than precise, and perhaps flat-out wrong. I once acquired a keris Bali luk 7 or 9 (I cannot remember which) billed as "dapur balebang", but it had a kembang kacang almost halfway down the wilah, and a greatly elongated gandik, like a keris kebo of some sort. I don't think it can rightly be named (menamai/menamakan) "dhapur balebang, but with an elongated gandik and a kembang kacang almost halfway down the wilah". It could perhaps be described (menggambarkan?) as "resembling (menyerupai?)dhapur balebang, but with an elongated gandik and a kembang kacang almost halfway down the wilah". I could be wrong, but I really don't think it's balebang. I don't know what dhapur it is.
To describe a person by their most distinguishing features is different from calling someone by their name.
I'm probably making "much ado about nothing", and I should have probably just kept quiet.
Sincerely and Respectfully,

I'm going to...not quote verbatim, but give my recollection of the gist of something you once said... With enough time, which I currently don't have, as it's 04:01, I might be able to find the exact quote. I recall you saying something like "...if it deviates from the pakem in the slightest detail, it's not that dhapur".
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