Thread: Janggelan Hilt
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Old 12th January 2021, 12:36 AM   #17
Interested Party
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Originally Posted by Jean
The kris books from Ir Tammens (PBUH) are a highly reputed reference source especially in the NL but not exempt from mistakes or confusions as nobody is perfect.

Yes, the Dutch translation into English is correct in this case.
Jean, no insult towards Tammens' scholarship was intended. I just noticed that the Dutch seemed to contain more text and that he seemed to reference previously mentioned anecdotes I couldn't find. It made me wonder what I was missing. Thank you for answering and putting my mind at ease. No more FOMO.

Alan, thanks as always for a thoughtful explanation. I learn a lot from your and Jean's discussions. I had hoped I had found a neat answer to the inadequacies of the jangallan name, and then with a bit of searching the forum my hopes were dashed.

In late northern hemisphere spring or whenever the next big shutdown happens I should get a chance to give the op blade a good cleaning and possibly a stain to see what it really look like, as recommended earlier.
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