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Old 1st January 2021, 05:33 PM   #21
Join Date: Sep 2017
Location: Tyneside. North-East England
Posts: 520
Default hi-jack

I'm sorry, I've done it again: hi-jacked a thread: my apologies Shayde.
I suppose we are dealing with court swords and smallswords here, so maybe it is not too far 'off the reservation'.
I've wondered about inscriptions added 'post manufacture' Fernando, so I asked and was assured by a blade-smith that it was not a difficult matter; in fact, all the blades we ascribe to Shotley Bridge were actually made in Solingen then inscribed with the location when they got there: all bar only three seen so far anyway; but I digress again.
Returning to the original thread and the comment about the flat trefoil blade being seen in numerous sword-canes: I have to agree with that, although they are generally a little shorter than 30".
I know it is anathema to the majority of collectors but my hilt polished up beautifully, albeit losing the remaining blue/black finish (see below). I am a firm believer in a master craftsman's work warranting preservation 'as was' and the 'patina of age' left to characterise utilitarian jobs. This sword of yours left the retailer's hands sparkling in every respect and I like to see that restored as best as is possible. But, I know I am in the minority.
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