Thread: Hole symbol
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Old 18th November 2020, 11:22 PM   #11
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Originally Posted by Rafngard
This is perhaps both on and off topic, but I was recently struck by how Stormbringer and Mournblade bare some resemblance to Keris and/or other Tosan aji, and wondered if Moorcock might have been inspired by such.

Consider the following characteristics of two swords:

1) Black blades
Warangan stained?

2) Bareing meaningful patterns
"Runes" per Moorcock, but why not Pamor?

3) Having an intelligence/soul
Khodam/isi anyone?

4) Soul drinking
I believe it is a traditional Malay belief (mentioned in Spirit of Wood) that keris drink the semangat of anyone they injure.

Something fun to think about.

Have fun,
indeed there has been some inspiration in the late 60ies and 70ies by and from travellers to Africa, Arabia and Asia and their stories and cultures to the likes of Moorcock and Hawkwind / Hawklords (which my friends from Hawkwind / Hawklords confirmed)

Hence the popularity of The Marakesh Express and stories about the Barbary privateers, One Thousand and One Nights next to Hindu tales / Hindu mythological wars and obviously the cold weapons involved.

Although David was perhaps correct with regards to the off topic part, perhaps with a little patience I could have explained the Eternal Champion Cyclus in more detail having their roots in ancient cultures and henceforth the cold weapons from those books could be confirmed by real good scolars to have been derived or partial copies from those Middle Eastern and Asian weapons.

Like the 2 added pics of a weapon ( a cabang ) I first got trained 45 years ago clearly has influenced the Stormbringer blade design...
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